Biz Chat 024 Radio Advertising Trends with The Southern Torch

We've Launched Alabama's First Statewide Business focused Twitter Chat - #BizChatAL  This week we talked with @BALittle5 from @SouthernTorch about radio advertising trends that every business should be aware of!

Biz Chat Alabama

We've seen the pendulum swing. Large and small companies that left radio for “all in” internet are finding that they left radio too soon and now are heading back to a more personalized approach with radio advertising. Radio maintains #1 reach in all groups age 18+. averaging 90% #BizChatAL

Biz Chat Alabama

Traditionally automotive. However, we now have service industries, heating & air, construction and many other non-traditional advertising. The personalized events and recreational activities help to tie the advertisers to the community. #BizChatAL

Biz Chat Alabama

Branding is a way to create a look, feel and message that will be remembered by consumers. Advertising is using that to convey to consumers . Pro Tip: Personalizing your advertising is like choosing your outfit. What works for one may not work for another. #BizChatAL

Biz Chat Alabama

Radio remains relevant in today's world of time-starved consumers. As the original mobile and social medium, it provides programming content meeting the entertainment needs of people according to their demography, geography, ethnography, etc. #BizChatAL

Biz Chat Alabama

The content is free to the listener. Statics show that subscription media is often dropped by the consumer due to the pricing. Radio is creative, personalized, immediate, and in most cases local. #BizChatAL

Biz Chat Alabama

Now is the time to plan a marketing strategy. 92% reach each week averaging 12.6 hours a week of 18+ consumers. Radio is still the #1 media. As the political season ramps up, inventory will decrease. Now is the time to reserve your ad spots. Join K98 and 101.7 radio stations! #BizChatAL

Thank you, Beverly!

Want to be part of the statewide #BizChatAL conversation? Feel free to reach out to if you would like to join us as a featured guest, or hop in the chat every Thursday on Twitter from 2-3PM/CST on our twitter account: @mtlakeschamber or by following the #BizChatAL hashtag.

Sarah Stahl